Monday, November 13, 2006

Study for Greg

Here is the charcoal drawing of Greg.

Update: Wes

I have been working on the face during my last few studio sessions. I am pretty happy with the results. The painting is getting to a stage where a lot of the hard work is done and the fun part is beginning. Adjusting the drawing and getting the colors just right is the main focus of this work.

Here is a close-up of the face.

I need to work on his body and hands next. This past Saturday I worked on his blue cardigan. I worked to get a sense of volume and form, that there was a body underneath fabric.

Some of the feedback I have gotten on this image is that there needs to be more of the stucco in the background, not just at the top of the image. Some pieces should still be stuck to the bricks below. I am going to experiment with this later.

Next step, the hands. Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Small preparatory drawing for latest Up Against the Wall painting

I started the drawing in pencil and then began to work over the pencil in pen and ink. I have not finished the ink work. This is the pose for the next Up Against the Wall Painting.

Latest work on the Up Against the Wall paintings

I have been working on the background. I want to have the wall behind to look like a block wall that has lost some of its colored stucco. This is based on a wall I saw in New Mexico. The wall had been patched with different colored stucco over the years and what was left was a mottled quilt of red, gray, and white. I am beginning to put the finishing work on the figure. I will have new pictures of the progress soon.

I am starting two new paintings in the series as well. I have a preparatory drawing of one completed and hope to have the model for the second in the studio soon.

New Studio

I moved into a new studio space in February. I have been very busy teaching and taking classes that I haven't spent as much time in it as I would like.

Here are some shots of the new studio.