The painting at this stage has the background colors blocked in. I have also started to paint the figure. I have used more saturated colors at this stage. These colors will show though successive stages. The final skin tone will be made up of both physically and visually mixed colors and will be less dark. The shirt has a monochromatic under painting. I will add a plaid pattern to the shirt at a later stage.
I like to work on the whole image at the same time as much as possible. A former teacher's mantra was "Draw as a Whole." I have never forgotten this and it works for me. The next stage will be to treat the background in the same way the figure has been treated. Before moving on to the next level of detail and color the entire panel will need to be covered with the same amount of paint and the imagery brought up to the same level. In this way the entire painting evolves rather than one section at a time.